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03-16 2019

Congratulations to our company for winning the excellent supplier award in mainland China for three

Source:huaxiang Click:30483

  No pains, no gains. On the afternoon of March 15, 2019, at the annual supplier conference of continental group, our President wang yuan took the stage on behalf of huaxiang group to receive the award. Congratulations to our company for winning the "excellent supplier in mainland China" award for three years. Thanks again for the support and trust from Shanghai mainland group! In 2019, our company will make persistent efforts to forge ahead bravely and continue to provide value-added services for customers with better products.



邛崃市| 榆中县| 铁力市| 五寨县| 灵武市| 河北区| 美姑县| 营口市| 响水县| 大足县| 丽江市| 棋牌| 大悟县| 集安市| 松溪县| 门源| 托克逊县| 淮南市| 漯河市| 涿州市| 灵台县| 蒙阴县| 辰溪县| 万安县| 洪湖市| 吉林市| 三明市| 莫力| 新邵县| 张北县| 抚州市| 习水县| 鄂尔多斯市| 嘉兴市| 个旧市| 海南省| 衡南县| 吉首市| 虹口区| 蒲江县| 岑巩县|